Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

Archive for the tag “friday fictioneer”

Windows of reflection

May 25, 2012 Friday Fictioneer photo prompt

By Linda Louise Rigsbee

The soul is a window

That welcomes a breeze.

Inside is Eureka;

Or does it just tease?


A soul welcomes sunshine,

Yet reflects the outside.

An open promise of

A place to confide.


Yet a soul can contain

A potion of danger

That traps and destroys an

Unwelcome stranger.


A soul can be fickle

Admiring the beauty,

Yet destroy it out of

A sense of duty.


So beware of the soul

That beckons too quickly,

For there lies the trap that

Makes the heart sickly.


Still, consider the soul

That has suffered the most.

A window still open

And nothing to boast.

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